Wednesday, November 28, 2012

student success statement

Student Success Statement
“There is no happiness in sin, and when we depart from the path of righteousness we begin to do those things which will inevitably lead us to unhappiness and misery and loss of freedom”
N. Eldon Tanner
I believe this statement means that if you can choose the wrong you will be unhappy with yourself. Others around you will think that you’re just doing badly. You ill be miserable and lose your freedom when you do something bad and end up in jail. That is when you will reflect upon your life and wish you could go back and choose a different choice or path.

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
Part 6
       Andrea Packer anticipates graduating with a B.A. in Education from Catawba in December 2011 and then enrolling in the Master of Arts in teaching program from Salem College, also offered on the Davidson Campus. Packer spends her days on the Davidson Campus working 29 hours a week as a teaching assistant for instructors in the DCCC Early Childhood Education program.
       “Not only did receiving this scholarship make me study harder and be the best I could be, but it also allowed me to graduate in May 2010 with my associate degree totally paid for,” she said. “I couldn’t believe I had my first degree, and I was debt free. What a wonderful blessing!”
       If students work hard during high school, complete all assignments on time, and demonstrate a bright, positive attitude toward school, learning, and other people, then they can be highly successful as a high school student and qualify for academic scholarships also. All they need is to put in the time, study time. All the hard work during high school will definitely pay off. They will be rewarded for their hard work. But if they just mess around during their high school years neglect their studies, use drugs, and mistreat others, then they can expect to fall short of what could have been their rewards of scholarships and other opportunities, and they will suffer in the short and long term. Invest in yourself. Give yourself opportunities of a lifetime by succeeding in high school in super high note. Then you can:
Write your own Student Success Story.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Watkins is a may 2012 candidate to receive her associate degree in nursing. She hopes to pursue her B.S.N at Winston Salem state university and eventually get her master degree in nursing.

Setting educational goals and working hard to archive them brings a great feeling of accomplishment. It builds self-esteem and increases self-confidence. Educational opens up many doors of opportunity that normally would not open up for people.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

What I will do to graduate from high school”

“What I will do to graduate from high school”
What I would I do to graduate from high school is to pass all my classes with a C and better. To do my homework everyday not be tardy every day be in time to all my classes. Is important to graduate from high school because that a path to a better life. When you graduate from high school you gonna have a better life I guarantee you that you going to have a better life by going to a college or a university.  Do not mess around in your classes, don’t talk back to your teachers, don’t get in fights, or else that could mess up your graduation for high school. You going to be acting more mature. I will try hard in my classes and try to get better grades than I have now. Don’t get in trouble at all because your parents will might end up calling your parents and may have to talk to your principle and not graduate so don’t get in trouble if you know you qoinq to graduate just be doing your homework your work don’t be tardy in your classes or be late to school. I would like to have a career in my life (; & is important to graduate from high school so my grandma, mom,dad,sister,aunt,uncle.